Sunday, May 19, 2013

Past Relationships

Previously i will never announce to the world about my relationship, because i think that this kind of stuff is better to keep it low profile,but for this time with my cute babe
I am officially told the world about our relationship.

I don't care and mind what people commented or talking bad thing about us.
Maybe some of then no even like us to be together.but for me is nothing to worry about.
Never explain yourself to anyone because the person who likes you doesn't need it...
Guess that we have all been there at some point in our lives.  : P

A new Relationship is a new starting point of the life.
Now whatever i do ,I need to take into consideration of my other part if not she will getting angry later haha.
In my point of view Relationship make you become a responsible person ,train u to take care of the other.

I guess most of us have experienced a failed relationship, and most of us have to always learn from mistake from the past experienced,because if u repeated the same mistake again and again ,the result will never differ from previous ,I ask about your EX,because i try to understand why you failed in previous relationship,and i try to not repeat what they do....

Sometime, I never blame any of my EX...We know that we already work hard and try our best ,give everything we got to maintain our relationship,but sometime it just wont work,then is the time to go on. They come into my life and taught me many thing. actually for me, Gal is a good Wikipedia...I keep it learn it and will not repeat the same thing.

Now, is turn for me to work hard for my girlfriend to get a better relationship. I care for my future and now. Spend life with who makes me happy, but not the person who have to impress.

Gal ... You are the one I looking for and you are my current... Lets work together for our relationship success.

It's perfect, and touches me deep
First thing in the morning, when I hear you speak
And last thing at night as you bid me sweet dreams
The brush of your lips lets me know what you mean

And all of the hours that pass through the day
Those spent together and when you're away
I think of you always, imagine your touch
Think how to show you, I love you so much

So when we're apart, and you long for me near
Just try to remember you're already here
For deep in my heart, where no one can see
You'll be forever, together we'll be.

 Dont't let past relationship ruin your future happiness ,scar remind us of where we've been,not where we're going....
Dont't bring past relationship into your future,because it will adding more scar in our heart....

“Look at life through the windshield; not the rear view mirror ‘

If we realize that there is no gain in thinking about the past relationships, then we will not spend our valuable time in thinking about unworthy people. “You can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore’. So, let’s forget the past and tread into the future with positive thinking.

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