Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sunday morning, rain is falling..

Sunday, 31 JULY 2011 Raining day.....A little rain never hurt anyone.It cools the air and freshens everything.Running in the rain makes you feel alive.I sat grumpily at the table, watching the rain hit the windows my brain goes blank just like the video projector without film....what a wonderful scene listen to the raindrop heart feel calm is like a painting ...
                     Raining bring new life...

                                         Raining sometime bring alot of meaning....
Rain... the very word makes me happy. Rain was a companion through out my life. Tickling drops of water seen on the grass tops in the mornings, the damp roads, drenched walks... the whole smell of rain fell memories!

The first memory of Rain starts with my schools. I sure that will be people same feeling with me and would have experienced it. Every academic year starts with rains. Opening an umbrellas, drenched rain coats and uniforms, windows closed bus journeys,class rooms filled with dampness and darkness, those childish plays in the pool of water in roads, damp shoes and socks, the smell of washed clothes all over the house, fear filled cold and damp nights... all mixed up memories makes me too nostalgic.....The memories playing in my mind some sour,sweet,and some are bitter..

Rain was just rain till I was into Secondary school…Rain slowly turned Romantic...Waiting her in the rain make her precious tear drop...When she tell me that she concern me will get sick...Actually I want to tell her that "thanks for caring me so much" i feel so touch and my tear come down just she don't realize it...the tear mix with the rain...The long walks through the lonely paths with her, fingers crossed, shoulders together, hearts joined! Those were the days when I used to pray for the rain almost everyday, just to catch up with her and share ourselves under one umbrella! Rain! still playing in the memories..

Rain suddenly turned to something bad when I went to work in big city...when waiting for bus or train the people will become so crowded,people try to avoid from getting wet...what is my concern in that time is i hoped that i can went back home before rain getting bigger....hope that i wont fall sick because no one will take care of me...that time i started realize that i am growing up but still I used to cry with the rain! I started to hate rain....

Now being in Kampar, the rains are distant memories. Missing my rain a lot here. When it rained for a moment last night and the damp roads in the morning made me think about all those sweet memories associated with rain,think of my hometown when raining... A lot more to write. But let those be in my mind like a rain filled cloud. It might pour down some other time!^^

After raining the sun come out again it is the cycle that will never end..

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A little Bike love

a little bit of bike love 

Why we need a Bike?? See all those benefit....

 When is the last time you rode a bike? is “childhood,” when riding a bike ,it will help you feel like a kid again.
Why is cycling great ? “Because it is not a weight-bearing activity, bicycling is a wonderful way to get into an exercise routine without stressing out your knees or hips compare to for me i like to cycling because can explore new places that cannot explore by car and have wonderful experiences .During my bike trip i always do 5 activities so that make the trip even more fun

 1. Bring a camera, take photos   

For me i just want a simple trip,so i will not carry any high resolution camera because i think it is risky and increased the weight of the bicycle make the trip more need a fancy camera, just a phone or a digital camera will do. Take as many pictures as you can and then upload them to look back and remember for years to come.The part i like the most is after back from trip when viewing back the photo can straight away recall back what we doing during the time when photo had been taken,and anything that happened during that time...People love looking at pictures uploaded to Facebook. You can also share your photos on other side.

2. Attach an overhead video camera, take video
Create an interesting video,and edit nice music on it....

3. Write a travel blog/journal
Writing a travel blog allows to share the experiences and capture moments, what we see , learned and how is the feeling about them. It gives an advantages of reflecting what we saw and what we learned while along the trip.

4. Meet people in the area
If traveling in an unfamiliar country ,town or place, we use to visit the local store and shops. Talk to the local people, ask questions, accumulate knowledge about the area, get interested in the places around.still remember i had been go to one small town,and i drop by the fruit store there,the local people stare at us in a weird way because through our outfit they knew we are outsider,on that time i started feel worry because we in a unfamiliar places ,had this kind of feeling is normal. After purchase the banana (my favorite fruit)the shop keeper started ask" where we come from? ""why we come here?"After we reply her ,she look so amaze with my answer and said that we are doing job well done....after that give me discount for the happy....

5. See tourist attractions and sights that make the vacation memorable

Do things and visit the attractions, the things that will create memories years from now, after we are  long forgotten most about the trip.

Actually the best cycling conditions are: quiet country roads to suit all levels of riding, beautiful scenery, and have a  rivers or lake to cool off in… Weather conditions also consider important to cyclist.

Monday, July 25, 2011


       Time past very fast ,some time i not realizing that time is running just  like water .Some of my frend that same age with me is getting marriage ,some of them is travailing  to Portugal for working purpose and me still stay in small place call Kampar doing the same thing again and again. After attending the soft skill by Ms Kim Chow i had learn a lot and i realize that many thing need to be change in order to improve myself .Now i starter jogging in the morning ,because is not only an exercise ,it is discipline for me to have a healthy lifestyle.need to sleep early and to wake up early in the morning ,after sweating feel good and have a cup of old town white coffee... wow life is great.^^

   I wish to go through this natural heaven door...I want to know what on the other side....