Monday, August 12, 2013

Since when

Since when her temper has gone bad
Since when she can be mad at little things
Since when she have started to maximize every single flaws of her
Since when......

I don't know what has happened to her
Guess this is one of the stages in a relationship

she used to be a girlfriend like an obedient kitten
who have less temper, who have so considerate
who can say yes to me in everything

Probably she have changed.......

we establish our relationship using half year hard...the day u gonna leave is getting nearer but recently we have many arguments....

Sometime too much arguments  will make relationships turn bad 
It will getting more worst if  never get a conclusion or solution and just keep quite act like nothing makes people feel miserable, not forgetting the tears that flow and the anger within after each argument.

no matter how hard we try to avoid having arguments,
sometimes arguments just come without us noticing.
i hate the moment of cold war after every argument.
supposedly we were sweet couple before but now the conversation between us become lesser and lesser
we both turn very passively and always ignoring each other.
you will never post anything anymore or tagging me on FB.
sometime i have  intention to post something for you but when every time i want to do so,i need to think twice because you always concern about other people will notice that and sometime i fail to tag you and  it demotivate  me . 

we both know that blog is very important for our relationship .because it is the bridge between you and me.
If you still remember Blog is a factor that be start our relationship.
we have same characteristic we will hardly express our feeling to other. 
I know how important is the blog is to you and me so no matter how busy i am ,i will still spend time to update it,but recently your blog is cover with dust ...previously i really enjoy reading your blog and know what you are thinking but now reading your blog is like memory.
you tell me that after you work in Singapore you still update your blog ,but now i think every thing changes...

when i ask this question ..It is my feeling become not important to you anymore?
your answer that you give me is still important but your ignoring action show me other meaning.   
The fight it continue when nobody wants to back down, nothing is solved.

After the fight i will feel regret i should't talk to you like that 
 i wish i never uttered those words that may had hurt you 
it was never intentional
because you are my babey
i wish you will be the understanding one
understanding what i've been through
know my loneliness ,stress and depresses

and encourage me.....

Sometime i know that  you're angry and i'm angry too
but what's the point of getting mad with each other?
we'll only get more miserable day by day
i dont know how to solve this
i wish we never had this argument
i promised myself never to have any argument with you
but i failed to keep my promise

sorry, i never mean to hurt you
i treasure you more than anything else
and to see you hurt is the last thing i would wanna do
can we just forget the past and move on?

anger and tears are temporary
while the good times are forever in my heart.
let us just appreciate the last few days before we embark on our dreams
no more arguments, just laughter.

i believe in rainbow after the rain

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