Sunday, December 23, 2012

Mood and feeling

It had been a long long time i din't touch my blog ard.....Seriously i duno how to start and duno wad to write...juz type wadeva in my mind,During exam busy with revision although i m doing not much on tat...i prefer Dota.....

Life for me now is quite relax lor since i have no need to follow the schedule to class like b4 this....

I like study week  haiz..i wonder why a person like also got chance to study it......for me obviously is quite tough because till now i haven  found a good way to study actually just study blindly.....T.T

but i hope i can manage it...juz try my best b4 final ......

next sem onwards must pay more attention on my studies edy because some said a good start will lead to a good ending.....

Swimming become less and lesser.....haiz......  need to put  priorities for studies first....^^

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Dear Friend

In this reality world many thing is changing from time to time it is impossible that something is never change......nothing in this world can be last forever...friendship and love are something that intangible and something that hard to keep it unchange......but when something that are always change doesn't mean it always bad ,in the other word friendship will become more closer when we always there for our friend when they need help  ^^ just like this song...

                                        You can count one me...

Sometime the environment force people to change and make them not believing in friendship .When you being treated by other friend badly it not mean that all of your friend will treat you badly as well.When you decide to become one of the people that not believe in friendship then how about the people that really treat you as a real best friend,and the outcome is you might hurt their feeling and they will feel so disappointed.

Childhood friends are the best...why said so? Such friendships never gone as we mature and grow old because. The friendship that develops between two friends in school or through living in the same locality, often goes on to become everlasting and is never broken by any outside force. I am still in touch with my childhood friend from secondly school and he is like a pillar of support to me. he lives in a different city, but we keep in touch through phone and Facebook .During a special occasion we will have a gathering even though now we have our own way to go and life style but we will still feel happy can spend time together with and hanging out by doing nothing. The bond that forms between two childhood friends is unbreakable. Such friendships are intuitive, where one friend understands the mind of the other.

i have meet many friend no matter in working or of them is a cute couple that been really kind to me all the time,very supportive,help me when i face difficulty  and always come around to disturb me also....another friend of my is a very good person that very quite but very strong in language, not much talking ,when buy news paper like to buy 2 set of news paper with different language but sometime will say some cold joke to me .too many friend to list out, if really want to talk about them it really take time ^^ anyway thanks to all my friends ....without you all i am sure that my life will turn become meaningless....

This is the letter for my friend that are changing

I know we used to be like, best friend, but I just don’t feel it anymore. You’ve changed. I can almost honestly say that you’re not who you used to be. I’m probably not either when i facing you and now i feel like insecure when telling you something....

I miss the good old times ,we’d talk about things from music all the way to what we wanted to be but since your life being inspire by another person i think friend had become nothing and not empty space for a friend to fill in anymore... I miss that when you were just you.... I miss just hanging out every weekend, fooling around, talking, eat breakfast , lunch and dinner together but those times seem to be so far . Now there’s drama, exam , activities and many thing keep us busy.

You now have a mix of a good and bad image. Your bad image is you cannot be trusted anymore and hard to keep any secret. Your good image is a clever person that care about family. Which side is the real you? I know who you really are on the inside, so why are covering up all that good stuff? it’s almost like a big apple's  doughnut with filling, but there’s so much dough, you can’t reach the filling.

The End

Monday, April 16, 2012

Choice Vs Courage

Every people will have a different  life and different turning point,

It is like travel with a bus,
Will pass through every single of the different stations.

At the the end of the day either we ring the bell and get off the bus
Or wait for someone else to ring the bell,

Then we follow other people....

For those people who lost their direction...
There maybe will not have the courage to ring the bell and get off the bus....

They will follow the footsteps of others,If we are the people who always follow other people footstep..
We will not really get what you want life are we???

It is depend on our choice.

If  we make a right choice we will able to stop at the right stop,
The wrong choice we make , will delay our travel time...and each the destination late then other...
If we stop at other stop before our destination..we still can manage to look at the surrounding
Bus there is always the moment to end.

Most importantly,
Grab the opportunity ,
Make the right choice.

Suddenly i think of this song Katy Perry -Part of me .....she choose to be a soldier after break out with his bf 

Being a Student is hard

At the time I feel my life in a holding pattern. I feel like I'm waiting for real life to begin, real life being when I become an adult, when I'm not longer a student and when I can start putting things on hold (like travel, moving, getting on with life).

Any one who has done postgraduate study will probably know where I'm coming from. I'm currently entering my 2th year of study and I really feel I couldn't stand being a student any longer -  I couldn't see the finish is just way too far just like the song in the Que Sera Sera.....the future not not us to see Que Sera Sera.....

I felt like having goals to work towards has been helpful, but at the same time I feel that my life just consists of working towards milestones in my study and nothing else. Hence the feeling of real life being non-existent and not reality at never ending story....But at the same time I have to feel like it's all been worth it. One of the only things that stops me quitting is that after all those years is knowledge.Actually learning is something that every people will go through..the different is how much you learn and what you had learn.I always remind  my self that the basic of human get their knowledge is through learning....if a person even learning they also not willing to do dun expect that he or she can accomplish something in future....

I know this is probably not the last time I will feel like this - there will probably be times later in my life where I feel again like I'm in a holding pattern. I think there is this fairytale in my head that everything will be better once I'm done.

So now instead of complain for current situation  I should be focusing on finishing my exam , so I can get on with the next stage of waiting to become an adult.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Walking till never ending....

Don't be surprise to see me back on this blog again.
I stated in past post that this blog will not die.
And now, let's get the imagination going.
Do check back once in a while.
Who knows?

Life is never an easy task.
No objection, i think.
Life is a never ending road.
Keep going forward even if they try to stop you and influence you with negative words.
Life does not give you a retake.
Make the best out of it, if it ever does.
It's not a disaster if you fall.
It's a disaster if you fall and never get back up.
Keep walking,
they'll be light in front,
that leads you to the bright end.
As problems are meant to be solved.
Some failures now have no right to stop you to fight for future success.
Bitterness of past is just as sweet as success when you look back.
Mama always says "learn from your mistakes".
I believes the ones applied it well are very much on top by then.
To be successful, you have to be dare enough
to step on your failure,
and climb to the top and obtain it.
To be successful, you have to bite your teeth
to walk on the stony route,
and beat the pain to master it.

It could be inches away,
it could be miles away.
You discovered it.

Keep walking,
it's at your reach.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

我的日记 -12月的雨-2011

 我的日记 -12月的雨-2011

1Dec      12月下的雨,特别让我想念一个人,但不能分心。
2Dec      好像不小心,就让时间溜走了一些,真的没办法暂停吗?
3Dec      也许有一天,我回想起这一天,也会心满意足。
4Dec      星期日总是好奇,时间跑到哪里凉快去了?
5Dec      下雨的话,也许是天空把蒸发掉的回忆还给我。
6Dec      通了电话感觉上今天真的不愉快,希望会和时间一起流失。
7Dec      今天很忙,再制造美丽的回忆给未来。
8Dec      衣柜里突然有熟悉的味道,我整理了那年那天的事故的碎片。
9Dec      我乘坐时光飞行器,想明天承诺了happy hour,心情蛮好 早点睡吧。
10Dec    下着雨的时候,心情不一定悲凉,因为喜欢。
11Dec    今天用了一分钟的时间祝福你。
12Dec    又是星期一了,下午三点钟,无意间听到Demi Lovato 的歌好像是这样的you can
   Take everything  …
13Dec    今天风很大,时间因此飞得比较快吧?醒了。
14Dec    此时此刻我认真的想我今天快乐吗?
15Dec    今天好开心用保鲜纸把今天的美好回亿保存起来希望它下次打开还是很新鲜。
16Dec    那些过期的回忆,要不要丢掉?
17Dec    给时间听歌,它也许也会过得愉快吧。
18Dec    今天把生活洗刷干干净净,不停歇的时间空里,我企图放慢我的思绪
19Dec    要到了突然担心明天,不如把握当下抓紧时间别让它溜走。
20Dec    懂得珍惜,日子会快过得比较快乐,忙里偷闲,心情正好。
21Dec    心情在和时间决斗着,时间在流动中,飞扬着开始紧张起来,忙里偷闲。
22Dec    紧张的心绪,留念着心情的轻松的微风,期待着明天,同时希望别那么快到。
23Dec    是今天了,该好好发挥了,保持冷静面对别被紧张影响。
24Dec    雨必下不怪它,更提醒了煎熬的日子,也变得更珍惜今天。冷,但要谢谢老天爷的细 
       雨但只会越战越勇越进入当下,累, 但绝不能松开,抓紧,坚持着那个信念,相 
       信.幸运号码  1
25Dec   怀念忙碌,太闲了,心情好,少了包袱轻松,体重也轻了,火车开了,窗外漂浮, 
26Dec    那么早起来干嘛?今天要干些什么好?
27Dec    好久不见冷落你了,太闲了,没关系有你陪伴,把我的时间换成美国时间。
28Dec    推开一些空白,充实的走入时间里。
29Dec    闲,会让人想起记忆的盒子,渐渐被陈旧的时间填满。
30Dec    今年的十二月,它永远不会回来了,但依然画上圆满的句点,永别2011